Archive for January 11th, 2009

Come On Fresno, Are You Serious?

Dear Fresno, Fresno Magazine, and citizens of Fresno,

Over my winter break, I was able to read through several Fresno Magazines (it’s easy, trust me–each issue only has about 15 pages of original material), and based on the results of this year’s Best of Fresno Awards, that Fresno, despite how hard every die-hard Fresno-ite tries, is no different than the 100 or so random suburbs that populate Northern California and Southern California. I mean, really, do we think we’re THAT special because we have a Cheesecake Factory or a P.F. Chang’s? How many other suburbs in the state have those? Even better, how many of those cities list those restaurants–and other large chains–as being the best the city has to offer? Take a look at the following pictures. I believe they speak for themselves (at least in the food(ie?) community).

Just how many people think that Olive Garden is an excellent Italian restaurant? Culinary centers such as San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York? Probably the same people who think that Applebee’s is an awesome bar and grill, and those that think Starbucks is the pinnacle of caffeinated beverages.

So what’s the point of my rant, you ask? I want people (especially you who live in Fresno) to know that it’s not the chains that make the city, but the individuals (mom and pop, etc.) that give each city its own unique dining character, overall personality as a city. I mean, how many other cities in the U.S. have a Cheesecake Factory, P.F. Chang’s, Olive Garden, and Starbucks, etc.? I’m not even going to bother writing an answer. And what makes the cities such as New York and Los Angeles so great? Establishments other than the ones I listed? YES!


So Fresno, I’m pleading that you realize that what makes a city great isn’t the variety of chains that it has, but rather the variety of independent establishments that have proven themselves to be much better than generic chains. Why can’t we support the moms and pops in Fresno? If we so blindly support national chains, like in the Best of Fresno and Fresno Magazine, we might as well vote McDonanld’s and Burger King for BEST EVERYTHING EVER. I say we try to steer clear of the chains, and try to explore what Fresno really has to offer.

And if everything Fresno has to offer sucks, and this ends up backfiring in my face, then I will apologize for this rant. But I have faith that Fresno really has more to offer than chain establishments. So I won’t apologize. You, however, can apologize to me for doubting my correctness in the fact that chain restaurants are actually bad for a city, and that we (I mean Fresno) should be supporting and celebrating local establishments.

In that case, I accept your apology. I never doubted for a second that I was right.

My Life In One Blog

I'm going to start incorporating life events and fooding into this blog since I don't do much of either anymore. The hospital takes up most of my life now. This blog will possibly be slightly more interesting. Maybe.

January 2009